Here were the teams: (click on pictures to make them larger)
Nasty Nas and The New Guy
Holi Goli and The Pej
Now, rather than give you a play by play of all the sweet competitiveness and excitement I thought to rather show you some pictures to display the intense action we saw that night. I have no doubt that this night will go down in sports history.

The Award for best poses for the camera during play goes to (without a doubt) Behdooody. Hoonoosh wins most pregnant player. Goli and Pejman win the best team photo. Hoda was pound for pound the strongest player. I, Nas, win Award for; most likely to win next tournament. Ryan, of course, wins the Award for least movement at any point during the game. (As you can see from his picture he depended mainly on the wrist-action and it proved to be ineffective)
A few last priceless moments before I reveal the actual winner:

Alas, we served, we hit the ball backhand, we hit the ball forehand, most of us lost, Payam won. (I know you're shocked but Pejman still manages to crack a smile) It must be noted that Payam owns the machine and thus practices for endless hours while the rest of us live our real lives.
The Award for best poses for the camera during play goes to (without a doubt) Behdooody. Hoonoosh wins most pregnant player. Goli and Pejman win the best team photo. Hoda was pound for pound the strongest player. I, Nas, win Award for; most likely to win next tournament. Ryan, of course, wins the Award for least movement at any point during the game. (As you can see from his picture he depended mainly on the wrist-action and it proved to be ineffective)
A few last priceless moments before I reveal the actual winner:
Alas, we served, we hit the ball backhand, we hit the ball forehand, most of us lost, Payam won. (I know you're shocked but Pejman still manages to crack a smile) It must be noted that Payam owns the machine and thus practices for endless hours while the rest of us live our real lives.
Good Game. Hit the showers!
I am jealous. I wanted to a part of this too.
Aww what a night! But I'm with sucks. However, I did find my true calling through! I'm quitting law school immediately to focus on my inevitable golf career. Thanks Wii!
First and foremost I'd like to thank god, All praises to Allah and his prophets, for making this dream a reality. All the hard work and commitment I put in during the holiday season paid off, as I was able to bring my game together for one amazing night of unanticipated splendor.
As I thanked god to begin my comments I'd like to point out that my gratitude towards him/her indirectly means that he/she spitted the rest of you. In layman's terms if he or she is with me, he or she is against you. So keep that with you during this new year which I have now dubbed the year of the Payam. Wii will live forever, (Pardon the pun, and please notice that this victory statement was not gendered in any way.)
I would like everybody to notice the HUGE splint on my left hand. For your information, I am left handed which means I particiapted in said tournament using my non-dominant hand. In conclusion, Payam's victory has an asterik by it and I demand a rematch.
I would like to thank God (oh yeah and my husband) for allowing me to be pregnant so that I can win the award. It truely comes at a time when everything is FANTASTIC! Pejman, stop crying about your finger, it's an f-in finger. Trying having a baby inside you then we'll talk!
I'll have everyone know, the wrist action method is very effective. It also prevents me from slamming my hand into someone else (which I believe happened to me on several different occasions)
Wii this!
Hahaaa after reading The Pej comment i demand a rematch he is right..
i want one SOOOOO bad! :(
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