Now I know, I know I've been kind of inconsistent with my bloggin but it's been a very hectic week or so. A laundry list of events if you will.
One. Navid (from the OC) and his friend Hafez ( I know, really deep right?) visited, which was lovely. They brought the sunshine with them from Cali and in exchange we took them to Rice, Spice and all other eateries that ryhme with Nice.
Two. My students turned in their much anticipated Enola Gay-ay-ay museum exhibits on Thursday. I decided that I'm pretty much a bad-ass teacher cause my students turned in some off the hook projects. I pretty much taught them everything and they learned so good. :)
Three. This one night though, Nicey our cat, ran out our window and up the fire escape and Navid (from the OC) had to go and rescue him. Being white trash and all, he was wearing a wife beater and so when he grabbed the kitty on the 5th floor stairs the cat started flipping out and scratched the shiz-nit out of him. He said, "Nastaran, dare bad joor chang mizaneh!"
Check out the war-wounds. (yuck!)
Four. Off to Coooo-Ba in the morning!! Going to go pick up arms and shit.