Sunday, December 17, 2006

Famous Candies

We met Reeses Peanut Butter-Cup tonight.
He looks just as good in person and has excellent

Not in the mood to be funny, just thought my bloggees would enjoy these pictures.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Hot Hot Hot

Remember that website: Who's Hot and Who's Not? click here
Where before MySpace one could upload their picture to the web and be validated by strangers that they are in fact, ugly, (or in my case extremely good looking)

Well, the other day I was cleaning up my classroom and found a survey made by two students called : Hot or Not?
The instructions read:

The choices are:

Now, in case you can't make out the high quality photocopied pictures, let me break it down for you:

Mariah Carey,
50 Cent,
Bobby Brown


Britney Spears,
Destiny's Child,
Christina Aguilera,
Whitney Houston,

Now, I'm aware the answers look a little off as to who is actually so hot right now. So, I'm investigating whether I think this was actually what the person thought or if he/she was being sarcastic: I'll keep you updated!

Protests in Iran

About two days ago some university students in Iran interrupted a speech by President Ahmedinejad. They chanted slogans decrying the Iranian dictatorship and burned pictures of him. They were met with even louder chants from Ahmedinejad's supporters.
Read yahoo article : click here

I found this article/site click here which is a little bit old ( about 2-3 yrs) but internally and externally valid and explains how Iranian students succeed in getting the word out there with current restrictions and limitations. Even though the government strictly monitors student’s activities, they manage to organize protests via blogs and Persian satellites (managed by diplomats in diaspora + 25 channels + bases in Burbank!) supervision. The satellite based activists help create and mobilize these movements. The Iranian government occasionally manages to crackdown the protests but most of the time they underestimate the young generation’s capabilities. Others have speculated that theses sporadic protests and organized resistances are set up by the government themselves and hold no significance.
Either way, the website is interesting to browse.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

How To Avoid Blood Diamonds 101:

A fellow Blogger of mine, the infamous "Caviar Moet" wrote an excellent piece of literature about Diamonds.
Check It Out Here : Diamond Life

I'm here to offer you a follow up on the reaction of Jewelry Companies along with a few suggestions on how to avoid wearing bloody jewelry and why.

"Conflict diamonds," also known as blood diamonds, are those sold to fund armed conflict and civil war. Human rights organizations link more than four million deaths, amputations and millions more displaced people to the trade in conflict diamonds.
The new Leondardo DiCaprio movie Blood Diamond has drawn a lot of attention to an issue that has been destroying parts of Africa for years. The movie highlights the role that the illicit diamond trade played in the chaotic 1990s civil war in the African nation of Sierra Leone . Similar situations have happened in Angola, Liberia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo and currently in the Ivory Coast.

For fear of losing business, the diamond industry has been quick to release a statement to its customers that 99.8% of it's jewels are clean. In 2003, a government-to-government certification plan was set up called the Kimberley Process that required all diamonds transported across borders to be accompanied by a certificate that they did not fund a conflict of any kind. This certificate follows the diamond through its entire trade route. Company's like DeBeers and Tiffany's have stood by this solution as effective.
However, many human rights organizations have addressed the flaws of the Kimberly Process that allow conflict diamonds into the international market. Recent United Nations and U.S. government reports have shown that over 23 million U.S. dollars' worth of diamonds from the Ivory Coast have been smuggled into neighboring countries such as Ghana and then certified there under false premise.

So how can we really be sure that our diamonds are conflict-free? Human Rights orgs have been suggesting that consumers ask their jewelers several questions before buying from them. Questions such as the company's policy on conflict diamonds and proof of a written guarantee. If the jeweler is unable to provide that information, try somewhere else. Furthermore, there is always the option of getting another stone.

This isn't the boycott of Starbucks by going to Coffee Bean. By being aware and making smarter choices, you are witholding hundred of thousands of dollars from these companies.

Check out this video by Amnesty: Video

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Christmas Cheer!

A recipe for winter time magic:

1. Wine (In Plastic Wine Glasses):

(saba was drunk so the picture is drunk too!)

2. Candy Cane Cupcakes (White Angel Food Cake, Vanila Frosting, and Crushed Candy Canes):

3. Hand-made, Goodie-Filled, Color-Coordinated Personalized Stockings (Matching Tissue Paper, Hershey's Kisses and Loli-Pops):

Friday, December 08, 2006

Save Some For the Fishes.

I'd like to clear my throat before I get on a soap box for a few moments to rant about something that is quite dear to my heart: (ehem, ehem) consumption and waste.
I'll try to keep this short but I ask that in return you take this very seriously.
You've all heard the stats that we, the United States, only 6% of the worlds population, use 25% of it's resources. Today I will focus on water, it has been predicted that in the near future water will be worth more than gold, diamonds and yes, even oil due to it anticipated scarcity.
Now, this may seem very micro-effective for all of you, however I present you with a top-10 lists of how to cut down on how much water we waste everyday.
A lot of these are obvious in theory, however after the experience of observing the actual behavior of many of you, non of it is being used in practice.

Top 10 ways to save water.

1. Chill drinking water in the refrigerator instead of running the faucet until the water is cold.
2. Don't pre-rinse dishes before loading the dishwasher. You'll save as much as 20 gallons a load, or 6,500 gallons per year. Tests have shown that pre-rinsing doesn't improve cleaning.
3. Wash vegetables and fruits in a bowl or basin using a vegetable brush; don't let the water run. ( This is one of my favorites. At my house, we fill the bowl with water and wash the veggies in them and then dump that water in our garden just to put it to some use! You can also used other forms of recycled water to water plants like from a tea kettle, or when you boil an egg etc.)
4. Fix all leaks. (And in the meantime put a bowl under leaks and give it to plants!)
5. When taking a bath, close the drain before turning on the water. And fill it half as full as you usually do; you could save 10 to 15 gallons.
6. TURN OFF FAUCETS unless you are actually using them. While brushing teeth you can waste 2 to 3 gallons per minute and 5 to 7 gallons per minute while showering!
7. Replace as many appliances in the house with water conserving models (toilets, washing machine, dishwasher etc). Most company's will give you either a free one or a discounted one if you recycle your old one.
8. Don't hose down your driveway! A few weeks ago on my way to school I saw a guy hosing his front steps and I walked by and said "That's quite a waste of water!" and he said "yeah well.." but then later that week I saw him sweeping the leaves!
9. For your garden, hand-water with a hose where possible. Homeowners who water with a handheld hose can use one-third less water outdoors than those who use automatic sprinklers.
10. And if you MUST use sprinklers, position sprinklers so they're not watering driveways and walkways and schedule it to water during the coolest time of the day to reduce evaporation. Don't water when it's windy. Generally watering lawns at night isn’t recommended since the grass can stay wet for long periods, which can promote fungus growth.

The average U.S. household uses 350 gallons of water per day, according to the American Water Works Association. Depending on the region, households use 20 to 62 percent of that total outdoors on lawns, pools, and such. Saving water outdoors, then, can really make a dent. Indoors, homeowners can reduce water use by about 30 percent by installing more-efficient water fixtures and regularly checking for leaks.
Now if you want your children to enjoy the same benefits of water as we do, stop being such a WATER-HOG!!!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Watering Hole

Evidence has been found that liquid water is flowing on Mars, NASA scientists announced yesterday.
The unexpected find emerged from some 240,000 images taken by the long-orbiting Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft. Here is one of the images.

These photos taken of the same areas over time showed investigators that liquid water likely flowed through gullies in Martian craters during the past seven years. Scientist say "It could be acidic water, it could be briny water, it could carry lots of sediment or be slushy, but [it appears that] water is involved," Frozen water is known to exist in the planet's polar regions, and water vapor has been detected in the Martian atmosphere. But the water moves around in branches easily navigating around small obsacles. So, although the smarty pants at NASA thought that it was something that existed milions of years ago because many felt that modern Mars was too frigid to harbor any liquid water today. (But looks like they might be wrong!)

Personally, I think the folks at NASA should just look for Pumba and some of his warthog friends which should be a sure sign that there is a watering hole near by. See:

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

ready? set? okay go!

i just want to introduce everyone to what i wish my friends would do with me everyday.
In-fact if you are my friend and you're not willing to at least give this a try then we need to re-evaluate things: (saba this means YOU!)

and they did TWO! I dont understand why I was not a part of this:

p.s. the songs are pretty darn good too

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Laundry Day

This is from an old post last month about gentrification. It didn't get any love because it had too much "text". So for my visual learners, I think it's interesting for you to see. I'll keep it simple.

I live here.

Image Hosted by

This is a sign on the wall of the place I do laundry. Read it closely.

Image Hosted by

Monday, December 04, 2006

how many plates can you hit?

Ah, Salaam and good evening to you worthy friend. Please, please, come closer--(camera zooms in, squishing his face) Too close, a little too close! (camera zooms back) There. Welcome to Agrabah. City of mystery, of enchantment...and the finest merchandise this side of the river Jordan, on sale today, come on down! Heh, heh. Look at this! Yes!...

I present you the House of Strength. The Iranian version of the traditional gymnasium, in which the national Iranian sport called Varzesh-e Pahlavani (Sport of the Heroes) or Varzesh-e Bastani (Sport of the Ancients) is practiced. A compilation of weightlifting, wrestling and dance with a touch of circus performance that dates back to, at least 2000 years back, before the Arab invasion in the 7th century. The Zurkhaneh (House of Strength) is Iran’s most ancient sport and still very much alive. In the spirit of Iran, a male-only activity, they gather to the Zurkhaneh to perform bodyweights exercises, learn chivalrous behavior, juggle clubs weighing up to 30 kilos and lug massive shields — all to the beat of drums and of course Persian poetry. However unlike modern gyms, the sportsman is first expected to be pure, truthful, good-tempered and then physically strong.

This year at the 1st Asian Zurkhaneh Sports Festival, Iran stole the show in the three-day event in the Shohada-ye Haftom-e Tir Hall in central Tehran coming in 1st with 78 points. Iraq finished runner-up with 70 points while Tajikistan, Afghanistan, South Korea, Pakistan, Nepal, and Indonesia ranked third to eighth

jack. fruit.

there was no snow... *sigh*

But today we are going to talk about the Jackfruit:

The Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is a species of tree and its fruit, native to southwestern India and Sri Lanka. The fruit is gigantic! , Most of the time at least 25 cm in diameter. The fruits can reach about 70 pounds. The jackfruit is the largest tree borne fruit in the world.

The aroma of the ripening fruit is extremely sweet, with a distinctive flavor reminiscent of bananas and ‘Juicy Fruit’ gum. In fact, when Juicy Fruit first realeased it's product the name was originally going to be Jack Fruit. People generally love or hate the taste. When I was in Kuai last summer our neighbor cut down a jack fruit with a machete and cracked it open. I can attest that jackfruit is quite potent externally and internally and does infact taste like juicy fruit gum, which i hate.

this jack fruit, spent the rest of it's life split in half laying on the grass capturing hungry and curious flys in it's sticky meat.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

i'm dreaming of my first city snow

The weather report say's tonight and tomorrow morning there will be snow in NY city? and then Tuesday it will be sunny without a cloud in the sky?

So, let's see if it actually happens? Cause it sure don't look like it right now.

I am however, looking forward to wearing my red leather gloves.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

I've heard him called many things,

Ra-Ra-Rasputin! Russia's greatest love machine!

An introduction for those not familiar, a man known to drink far too much from time to time, Rasputin was a lad of the village. Fancies himself with those, no doubt, emotionally and sexually frustrated ladies of the court of Imperial Russia.
If you look at the photographs you will find a pattern of big bosoms, sentimental, rather soppy, stupid expressions – in some cases, a notable moustache – all swooning over this great big Russian peasant, in the middle of the group photograph. And, he is obviously quite a ladies man.

Rasputin had a significant effect on the lives of the Tsar Nikolai II and his wife Alexandra. After the birth of three worthless female children, they finally got a male, too bad he was a hemophilia. So anyway, yada yada yada, Rasputin hypnotized the son, Alexis, and cured him. Alexandra, the Tsars wife, fell for his healing abilities. So, in addition to the rumors about orgies, speculation grew about Rasputin's control over the Tsar and his influence on government through his wife.

As Rasputin's behavior became increasingly licentious the reputation and credibility of the the Royal family was shattered. (Leaving room for Lenin and his crew to swoop in)

For those interested, Rasputin's pickle is pickled and can be seen in Germany's erotic museum.