Where before MySpace one could upload their picture to the web and be validated by strangers that they are in fact, ugly, (or in my case extremely good looking)
Well, the other day I was cleaning up my classroom and found a survey made by two students called : Hot or Not?
The instructions read:
The choices are:
Now, in case you can't make out the high quality photocopied pictures, let me break it down for you:
Mariah Carey,
50 Cent,
Bobby Brown
Britney Spears,
Destiny's Child,
Christina Aguilera,
Whitney Houston,
Now, I'm aware the answers look a little off as to who is actually so hot right now. So, I'm investigating whether I think this was actually what the person thought or if he/she was being sarcastic: I'll keep you updated!
"Remember that website: Who's Hot and Who's Not? Hot" ....
dude, do you edit these things before you post them? is that "hot" its own self-contained sentence?
good thing you are teaching history or some shit.
ps - if you want me to teach you some basic grammer (in addition to everything about html) let me know k?
it was a link to the website. I changed it to say "click here" for your dumb ass though.
and kuo, if every time you comment on my blog you talk shit i will delete you from my Blogging Best Friends, and since half the people who read your shit, find it through me, you don't really want that.
oh yeah, you should visit the map at the bottom of my page. i am international ....
Xcape? Who is that?
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