Evidence has been found that liquid water is flowing on Mars, NASA scientists announced yesterday.
The unexpected find emerged from some 240,000 images taken by the long-orbiting Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft. Here is one of the images.
These photos taken of the same areas over time showed investigators that liquid water likely flowed through gullies in Martian craters during the past seven years. Scientist say "It could be acidic water, it could be briny water, it could carry lots of sediment or be slushy, but [it appears that] water is involved," Frozen water is known to exist in the planet's polar regions, and water vapor has been detected in the Martian atmosphere. But the water moves around in branches easily navigating around small obsacles. So, although the smarty pants at NASA thought that it was something that existed milions of years ago because many felt that modern Mars was too frigid to harbor any liquid water today. (But looks like they might be wrong!)
Personally, I think the folks at NASA should just look for Pumba and some of his warthog friends which should be a sure sign that there is a watering hole near by. See:

your best post yet khoshab ... not bad, not bad indeed ...
i heart marsies and aliens!!!!!
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