1. Wine (In Plastic Wine Glasses):
(saba was drunk so the picture is drunk too!)
2. Candy Cane Cupcakes (White Angel Food Cake, Vanila Frosting, and Crushed Candy Canes):
3. Hand-made, Goodie-Filled, Color-Coordinated Personalized Stockings (Matching Tissue Paper, Hershey's Kisses and Loli-Pops):
a) thanks for your amazing pictures!
b) your ACTUALLY A REALLY GOOD PHOTOGRAPHER OK?????? (bursting into a flaming rage!)
c) me, drunk???? now your dad and his translator are going to think i'm an alky!
thanks for mentioning my dad saba because ever since he saw that there was an entry about him, he keeps wondering when I'm going to mention him again.
now he signs all his e-mails: "you can put this online also"
Your dad and I bonded in Guat d00d...Tell him to organize a trip to India!
return of the caped p--n!!!!!
Is there any cupcakes left?
ARE there any cupcakes left?
i want cupcakes!
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