He looks just as good in person and has excellent skin.

Not in the mood to be funny, just thought my bloggees would enjoy these pictures.

I know the best way to peel any fruit, including the jack fruit, with minimum tools, so that you get the most amount of actual meat without getting your fingers too sticky. I can also juggle 3 of most items. Those are a couple of my many talents.
i think perhaps to add to this repretoire would be a picture of the two of you in front of a display of cupcakes. many many cupcakes.
I have to admit i was resistant to the picture taking (with a camera phone i might add) but now that i see the fruits of your labor i really really love them. i love the candies.
hey this is steve, shaffy's "steve". shaffy makes me look at your page all the time. anyway, i just wanted to say, keep on keepin' on, naw mean? your page is hella tight. you have a lot of interesting info available to us viewers. word up sista.
like i said on mub's page--did y'alls not notice "steve"'s comment? ALRIGHT I ADMIT IT! IT WAS ME OK??!! ME!! I DID IT! AND I DON'T REGRET IT ONE BIT! GET THAT FLASHLIGHT OUT OF MY EYE! I'M TELLING YOU WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW!
Nastaran please take me to this heavenly place where there is chocolate as far as the eye can see...I'm a little sad that I have not yet experienced the happiest place on earth
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