Monday, April 16, 2007

Yellow Journalism: Follow up on Cube

Yellow Journalism refers to the idea of sensationalizing or basically lying in the newspaper in order to sell more papers. The term was coined during the late 1800's when Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolf Hertz accused each other of exaggerating their headlines specifically in relation to the start of the Spanish-American War. (Maybe Jack Kelly was wrong when he said "Headlines don't sell the papes, Newsies sell the papes")

On February 15th 1898, the U.S.S. Maine mysteriously blew up in the Havana Harbor. Although Spanish scientist claim that the explosion was caused by "an internal and accidental explosion" the competing newspapers, eager to have a better headline, began to fabricate the events fueling American anger by publishing astonishing "atrocities" committed by Spain in Cuba and accusing them of blowing up the ship. So much so that on April 11, President William McKinley asked Congress for authority to send American troops to Cuba for the purpose of ending the civil war there.
(Cubans didn't want either of them there, and they still don't)

So why am I telling you this? Because today in the New York Post (a newspaper known for its bull-shit), yellow journalism, a practice continuously executed since the Spanish-American War, found it's face on the front page yet again.
The article reeks of McCarthyism and is filled with lies and propaganda.
The Beacon school, where I student teach, and Mr. Turners house were swarmed with paparazzi all weekend and all day today. As students walked out of class, they would scream: "Hey, how was Q-ba?" (To which one student responded "Eff you!" )

Please read for yourself: NY Post

The students and several community members have extended their support and if it can bring attention to ending the blockade then hopefully the situation can turn out for the best. I would appreciate everyone's support in basically just having our back. This will probably get worse before it gets better.


Anonymous said...

why dont you keep me updated on your life. in the next line you are going to find my reason for not liking blogs:
i shouldnt have to read your journal to know about your journeys, likes, dislikes, etc. i should hear it from the source itself: you. blogs are nice b/c i feel close you little bunny, but i feel like they should only compliment a personal relationship, not compensate for one.
so that is it. the reason.
secondly, why do you travel the world and i travel the bay area only? i get sad about this. invite me next time.
three call me. i have teacher questions: i think i am gonna be one you know.

Anonymous said...

the last comment was from S"i cant believe im blogging on your blog" J

Anonymous said...

That article is seriously change the actual (benign) reason for the trip, an educational experience, to an illegal, unsanctioned excursion led by a 'communist obsessed' teacher is ridiculous. It is even sadder that the school's principal isn't standing behind the students (which may not be true, as most of this article is tainted). Let me know if I can do anything from Berkeley. I'm sorry that you guys have to go through needless drama.

Saba said...

you are so lucky you were a part of this you are a real badass now. "club red"

anyway, u need to stop refrencing newsies. that was 15 years ago, just to put things into perspective.

but anyway, keep ragin against the machine.

Payam said...

Well not to be insensitive but maybe the son of a bitches in the US media should worry more about the fact that every fucking idiot can buy a gun in this country, and a little less about kids turning into communist.
How much do you want to bet, charlton Heston, if he's still alive, will have an NRA rally in Virginia by the end of the week.

Navid said...

Made it onto the History News Network:

Anonymous said...

maybe you should all move to cuba and live on a communial farm? oh, you'd all prolly rather just go visit for the experience and then go back to your rich lifestyles in america. cuban socialism was a terrible thing and has made the people poor and misrable. its easy for idealize others life when living in america. get real.

IdinKash said...

First of all, you should never stop quoting and/or refrencing Newsies... ever. Secondly that was a pretty intence article. To "anonymous" above.. I don´t think anyone has romanticized Cuba.. in fact the students and their teacher were doing exactly the opposite, by actually have the balls to go there and see what things are really like. This is a lesson in empathy.. which is something that MOST upper-middle class Americans lack. Bravo to everyone that was involved in the trip for having the courage to empathize.

Unknown said...

i think posting as anonymous is pretty lame. especially when slamming people/ideas.