I introduce, the SabaNas
Go little boat, go.
Check out the footage of some flips: Extreme!
Smooth Sailing
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Unfortunately, it was a short lived glory.
R.I.P. SabaNas, R.I.P.
I know the best way to peel any fruit, including the jack fruit, with minimum tools, so that you get the most amount of actual meat without getting your fingers too sticky. I can also juggle 3 of most items. Those are a couple of my many talents.
that was hilarious!!! excellent blog. totally worth checking every day. sabanas frias mi amor.
nastKHOSHEEZY : hey, you should go look at my blog. me and saba made a paper boat and sailed it in the park by our house
nimzavich2 : i saw it already
nastKHOSHEEZY: why dont you ever comment?
nastKHOSHEEZY: was it funny?
nimzavich2: no
nimzavich2: it was just a boat
nimzavich2: ...?
well with three uber-excitable girls we need a nima in the fam to keep it real.
hmmmmmmm....i hope you have plans for me and payam that are a little more exciting then a paper boat in a puddle...
omg...hahahahahahaha hoda....i am cracking up.
and she doesnt, btw.
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