Friday, December 07, 2007


Experts recommend to start planning for and thinking about the holiday's starting in late September, mid-October. This, they claim, provides ample time to think about what you want to get and keep your eye out for the best deals on the years hottest gifts and most lavish decorations. Although I suppose I am a bit behind schedule I finally got around to buying a tree. Now, I sadly must admit that I sold out to a fake tree but under the circumstances, I'm sure you will understand.

Here she is, standing proudly at 1ft, 1inch, this little guy has brought so much light into our lives.

Additionally, I ventured out into the world of popcorn decorations:

Step one: Pop popcorn. I recommend staying away from the butter and salty flavors because it tends to attract buggies!

Step two: Thread the popcorn with sewing thread and needle. Make sure the popcorn is cold and I would recommend it even be a bit on the stale side.

Step three: Carefully wrap around tree. Add white lights and a glittery gold bow at the top.

Optional: Presents wrapped in brown paper bags for a complete classic look !


Saba said...

this christmas! (will be) a very special christmas! (to me)

Hun said...

that may be the best tree ever.

No, that IS the best tree ever!