During my trip my grandma dragged my cousin Apameh and I to a monthly gathering of Iranian Senior citizens. Each month they congregate at the 'Tee Room' a restaurant attached to a golf course. (Although they all thinks its the "Tea Room") Each month the old folks meet in their best outfits, eat kabob, gossip about eachother and attempt to 'gher' or dance to Persian pop music. Here is my grams and the homie sippin on some sizzer..
And then, there was the entertainment. I present Svetlana and Gretel, the performers for the evening. Two really unattractive Eastern Euro twins who live in their car, speak horrible English, weigh a combined total of 30 kilos and make a living by doing mediocre acrobatic shows that are borderline scary.
those lady's are really scary...your grandma is so ba hal!!! how cute...but really funny too...the funniest part is that you went to this event bahhahahahahahha!
fucking scary
dude u werent fuckin kidding when u said svetlana and gretl were unattractive. its beyond unattractive. eek. im at a loss for words.
i cant believe they were wearing those little athletic socks
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